02 February 2013

Dad Catches a Trout on the Equator

Mt Kenya has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world.  Nestled around 10,000 feet on the northeast side there is a small cabin in complete seclusion next to Rutundu Lake.  The only thing you hear there is the wind, birds, the occasional zebra or elephant.  And the beckoning trout.

After putting on some wooly buggers (aka thin mints) and piling into the little dinghy we slowly trolled around the perimeter in expectation.  It wasn't looking good.  Uncle B, my dad and I were losing hope.  The light was fading fast and there was no sign of life in the little pond.  'Let out more line,' our guide said with a wink.  

Just as the sun began to fade behind the hillside in front of us, WHAM-O!, Dad hooked one.  It was a tense but joyous few minutes while he delicately reeled her in.  Oh the color!  Still not sure if our trout was bigger than Prince William's, but I tend to think so.  It was certainly one of the best feasts we'd ever had and as the night grew cold around us, we cozied around the fire and sunk into a dreamy food coma. 

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