[EDITOR'S NOTE: We're now back in the land of elephants, so please come visit us to experience these traffic jams yourself!]
Yep, this is going to be a long wait. [30 minutes later] Think we can slip by? Yep, let's try driving really really slow. Very very sneaky. shhhhhh.....
OH NO!!!! Objects in mirror are closer than they appear. Yep, check. (I think he had a stop sign but you never want to make assumptions about these things.)
Ok, time to put the pedal to the metal. Hang on!
Phew, made it through. Typical island driver ahead of us led the way. That kid sure knew how to get through traffic.
Aww, see, they're cute. What's the big deal?
WHOA. Would not have wanted a collision with that little guy's papa. Our jeep was approximately as high as this guy's eye.
I can still feel the ground shaking.
Ok, looks like traffic is slowly starting to clear. Gotta love island rush hour. And elephants.
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