We like our bikes on the island, as you well know by now. And we like our tweed and hats. Last weekend I serendipitously chanced upon some of our most stylish riders participating in the Tweed Run. Bikes, hats, bikes, tweed, bikes, fancy socks, bikes, pipes, bikes, shoes, bikes, all in one place? You gotta be kidding me. As you can probably imagine, I went a little crazy with the pictures, and this will be the first post of what I hope will be many. It seemed fitting that this was my last photoshoot in the city for a while, especially since up until now I'd only been able to capture fleeting glimpses of this kind of style which I so enjoy. Bike on, chap!
(London Tweed Run 2013)
That is SO cool! I love it. Oh to be British and live in London. My mom's mother was 100% English and when I was little my neighbors were all Irish. I felt right at home when we visited Great Britain and Ireland.